Monday, January 31, 2011

Artist-in-Residency (AIR) – Spring or Summer

WHAT: Artist Residency
WHERE: Toronto, Canada
WHO: Artists

The Toronto School of Art offers a 4 week or 13 week spring and/or summer residency program.
Offered from May to August, the program is designed for practicing professional artists who have completed their formal training. The AIR program promotes your creative investigation and the development of new work by interacting with other artists from the program, from the school, faculty, curators, visiting artists and the general public. Additionally, the program supports and enhances your creativity by providing uninterrupted time for work, reflection, and collegial interaction in an urban setting.

Admissions to the residency are based on an application review by a TSA faculty committee.
Immerse yourself in a creative environment where you can focus on creating and working on your art practice.

24-hour access to a semi-private studio together with other artists;
The opportunity to work uninterrupted in a downtown Toronto studio;
Group critiques and other meetings with TSA faculty and guest artists;
Option to participate in multiple exhibitions;
Access to visiting artist lectures and guest critiques;
Participation in one TSA one-week intensive course;
Access to digital lab and software.

Tuition fee: $2,500 | International student fee: $3,000

+ Cover letter explaining your interest in the AIR program
+ Artist statement (maximum 250 words)
+ C.V.
+ Two reference letters
+ CD with 10 digital images (res. 72 dpi, max. of 1024 x 768 pixel)
+ Label each image with a number and a title (01InitialsTitle.jpg – 10InitialsTitle.jpg) including a separate corresponding image list
+ Video submissions are maximum of 10 minutes burnt to a DVD
+ $50 non-refundable fee – Canadian funds only

Please send applications to:
Curriculum Coordinator
Toronto School of Art
410 Adelaide St. West, 3rd Floor
Toronto, ON M5R 1S8
E. (electronic applications NOT accepted)

Additional information:

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