Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Vermont Studio Center Fellowships for Artists and Writers

Call for Applications

Deadline: October 1st

The Vermont Studio Center holds three annual fellowship deadlines, including 16 fellowship awards open to all artists and writers working in any genre/medium. In 2012, VSC awarded 193 fellowships to artists and writers from the U.S. and 20 other countries. All of the fellowships  are for 4-week residencies at VSC unless otherwise noted.

Visit to see the full list of fellowship opportunities available and eligibility details.

ENGAGING MINDS: Don't forget to register for TCE's 2013 Conference on International Opportunities in the Arts: Engaging Minds on October 10–13, 2013, at Boston University. Meet residency program organizers and more!

TransCultural Exchange is not responsible for the content of listings in the Opportunities section. All postings are subject to review; inappropriate submissions will not be published.

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