Tuesday, September 17, 2013

“One of the best things in the world of art today”

– David Medalla, Director, The London Biennale.

Boston University will host TransCultural Exchange's 2013 Conference on International Opportunities in the Arts: Engaging Minds, October 10-13, 2013.
The Conference panels will focus on topics meant to inspire and address many artists' desire to engage in other fields of discipline; while, at the same time, preserving the Conferences' aim to serve as the international forum for practicing artists and related professionals, including:
• Extensive networking opportunities and social events.
Portfolio reviews with funders, curators, gallery owners, residency directors and critics.
• 50 panels with topics ranging from cultural diplomacy to paid residencies.
• Workshops on marketing, grant writing and copyright law.
• Visits to Boston’s attractions, including MIT's Art and Architecture program.
• Gallery receptions, concerts and readings.

Register before September 20th (late registration fees apply after September 20th): http://www.transculturalexchange.org/conference_2013/registration.htm

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